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1. A monument of Freddie Mercury is located at Montreux on Lake Geneva in Switzerland.



2. Mercury remains to this day the  popular figure in Britain.



3.Freddie Mercury reached the 14th place in a survey of the millennium which included six million British.



4. Mercury reached the 58th place in a survey of "100 great British People" made in 2002.



5.Two of Mercury's songs, “Bohemian Rhapsody” and “We Are The Champions” were selected in two separate surveys as the favorite songs in the world.



6. Mercury was chosen first among the "One of rock's greatest singers" of online music association, according to "DigitalDreamDoor."



7. Mercury received the highest place among rock singers, the fifth place, in the list of the "greatest English language singers of the

twentieth century".



8. He came in second place in the MTV’ channel  list of "22 most favorite singers in twenty-five years".


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